Grace Kids Club
Grace Kids Club is our Sunday School experience at grace ridge church. It is available for children four year of age (as of the beginning of the school year) through fifth grade. All children are welcome – we love meeting new friends! We meet during the 10:30am service, with check-in beginning at 10:20am in the lobby at grc.
Each Sunday, our Grace Kids worship God together, pray together, dig into His Word together, and have lots of fun together! Children are lead chronologically through the Bible as they are immersed in age-appropriate, gospel-centered, engaging lessons.
Our Kids Club is lead by a team of awesome volunteers who love Jesus and children! Each team member has all recommended clearances. Our team provides a safe, nurturing and fun environment for all of our Grace Kids.

Check In/Out Procedures
Check in at the kiosk by entering the last 4 digits of your phone number. Once you check in, two labels will print, one for you to put on your child and one for you to keep for pick up.
Take your child’s pick up label with you as you will need it to pick up after the service is over. When the service is over, please promptly return to the kiosk and give your label to the staff member. Your child will not be released to siblings or any adult without the proper pick-up label. Once your child leaves our care, please be responsible for their supervision at all times.