New to grace ridge church?
There are many ways to connect with God and others at grc, but we realize it’s not always easy! Here are some places to start:
Fill out a Connect Card so you can begin to receive notifications. This will help you to know what’s happening.
Attend FIRST STEP class where you will learn about the church, meet Pastor Lyle and have a chance to ask questions or sign up to participate in various areas, if you’d like.
Worship, Serve and Join a Bible Study! See below:
WORSHIP by attending Sunday Services
Worship services are one of the best ways to connect with others. We are all broken and sinful in one way or another…and that’s okay! We aren’t a church that’s looking for perfection. We recognize that God’s people have always struggled to stay on His path, but we also recognize that in a community of believers, we find encouragement, acceptance and growth.
Fellowship is a part of worship, as well. After the services, you are invited to LEVEL GROUNDS CAFE for coffee and cookies. This is a great opportunity to relax and get to know each other through God-honoring conversation. Kids play outside when the weather is nice!
WORSHIP by serving
We serve because Jesus served. We serve God together as a way to honor Him, as well as build relationships with others. Serving is a great way to get plugged into our church family. Do you like people? Technology? What about music? There are many opportunities to jump in and serve at GRC. From kids ministry or guest services to yard work or painting, you can join in and find joy in serving God with others. It’s a great way to get to know people, too! Some opportunities may require a larger time commitment, others may require you to be here for one service per month. We pray that you will find a place at grace ridge church that fits you perfectly.
WORSHIP by diving into the Bible
As a growing church committed to making disciples for Jesus, it is important that smaller groups of men and women gather on a regular basis to study God’s Word. Smaller group formats give us a better forum to ask questions and have discussions.
Discipleship Groups are usually two to four people, walking through life together as growing followers of Christ, learning together and holding each other accountable. They meet regularly for Bible study, discussion and prayer.
Small Group Study Groups are made up of around 5-10 people who delve into a study for several weeks at a time.
BSF Groups are groups of men or women who meet weekly from September to May for Bible Study. Bible Study Fellowship is a worldwide organization that provides solid biblical teaching materials and guidance for a small group format. Check out our calendar for days and times that our BSF groups meet. You are welcome to join a group at any time!