When & Where are services held?
Our services are held at 761 Terrace St., Honesdale. Our church is handicapped accessible with plenty of parking. Services are at 9:00 & 10:30 on Sundays.
How long is the service?
Our worship services last about an hour and include praising Our Lord through song, responding to His Grace with our tithes and offerings, and deepening our relationship with Him through a 35 minute sermon. Don’t rush out, though! We always have warm coffee & tea after the services. It’s a great time to talk and ask questions or just relax!
Will I be asked for money?
No! There are tithe and offering boxes at the exits, and we offer an online option to give, but your offering is between you and God. We believe that God gives us everything we have and expects us to respond to Him by offering our time, talents and money for His holy purposes. Through prayer, you will know when and what to give at grc.
What style of worship can I expect?
Reverend Lyle’s preaching is Bible-based, relevant and easy to understand. The Sunday Services are live on our website and Youtube each week . The music is similar to what you hear on Christian radio. Click here to watch services.
When is communion served?
We serve Holy Communion on the first Sunday of every month. All who have been baptized are welcome to receive communion.
What is available for children?
Child care is available at both of our services for children preschool and younger. In order to provide the best care possible, our nursery caregivers have all state recommended clearances. We have a paid staff, consisting of two experienced women who are present each week and who provide a safe and loving environment. We provide a secure check in/out system for parents’ peace of mind.
Kids Club is available for students in 4 year old Preschool through 5th Grade and takes place at 10:30am on Sundays. (Drop off in lobby begins at 10:20). Our programming takes kids chronologically through the Bible, engaging them in a variety of activities and games. Parents pick up at 11:30.
What should I wear?
You’ll find that most men and women are dressed casually at our services. While some may be dressed up, many are wearing jeans, shorts and t-shirts. We’re not a church that worries about how you look on the outside! Whatever you’re wearing, we’ll be glad to see you!
What denomination is GRC?
As of October 3, 2015, grc is an ECO church. ECO is otherwise known as the Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians. To find out more about this denomination, please visit www.eco-pres.org.